

Short description

Prague, CZ

The oldest competition for startups in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Ústí nad Labem, CZ

Startup festival in Ústí nad Labem. A day full of workshops, inspiring stories of successful people, consultations with experts, accompanying programme and competitions!

Zlín, CZ

College students, high school students and anyone from the public - anyone can apply to this programe. The essence of the accelerator program is to develop a business plan and its development with the help of our mentors. Successful entrepreneurs and professionals not only from the Zlín region.

Brno, CZ

Entrepreneurship courses in universities and cities in the Czech Republic.

Prague, CZ

Try working on your own idea. Develop a project you enjoy and find meaningful. You'll have 5 months to learn about the business environment and meet a great group of active high school students. Register, turn your vision into a real business plan and win a cash prize and admission to university without taking the entrance exam.

Brno, CZ

The Start Your Business competition is a good opportunity to test your business plan or just to test your skills and compare them with others. With feedback, experts will help refine ideas and there is a cash prize for the most successful students.

Prague, CZ

Inter-university meeting of students interested in startups, innovation and socially responsible business

Prague, CZ

Competition of innovative startup ideas created by students and graduates of the University of Economics in Prague. The competition is intended for individuals and teams. The criteria are the innovativeness of the business (idea), a convincing business model and growth potential.

Prague, CZ

The AI Awards is the only industry awards in the field of artificial intelligence, which follows on from the 2018 and 2019 editions. The aim of the awards is to highlight success stories, personalities, companies and organisations that have made a significant contribution to the development of artificial intelligence in the country.

Prague, CZ

A unique award for interesting young companies that can change the rules of the game in their industry. The Startup Awards give out prizes in a total of four categories, including a popularity contest decided solely by the public.


We are thrilled to announce that the next edition of CEE Startup Challenge is now officially accepting applications! This the biggest online competition in the region is powered by Vestbee – the leading community-powered matchmaking platform connecting startups, VC funds, accelerators, and corporate entities. The CEE Startup Challenge promises much more than just financial support; it’s your opportunity to a vast ecosystem of industry experts, corporate partners, and VC funds, which includes: Next Road Ventures, EIT InnoEnergy, Uniqua Ventures, Molten, 500 VC, Flashpoint VC, 212, OTB, Warsaw Equity Group, and many more.

Liberec, CZ

Agentura CzechInvest pořádá už sedmý ročník soutěže Creative Business Cup. Jejím cílem je ocenit nejkreativnější startupy v Česku. Národní kolo soutěže bude příští rok hostit Liberec. Na vítěze čeká nejen prestižní ocenění, ale i účast ve světovém finále, kde české startupy pravidelně obsazují přední pozice. Přihlášky do soutěže budou spuštěny 15. listopadu 2023.