Public Sector Entities and Associations

Public Sector Entities and Associations

Short description

Prague, CZ

Business and Innovation Agency is state contributory organization subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

Prague, CZ

The Czech Business Angel Association (CBAA) is a national association that brings together angel investors and represents their interests. Together with their members they support the creation of a vibrant and cultural business environment with high professional standards and ethical principles.

Prague, CZ

The Czech Fintech Association, founded in 2016, aims to support innovation in the financial sector, co-create a regulatory environment for its development, and thus promote an economy without barriers, paper and cash. The association leads expert working groups, organises networking and expert events, and is a point of contact for innovators, investors, regulators and business partners.

Prague, CZ

An association representing the interests of companies active in the area of private equity and venture capital in the Czech Republic. Its main objective is to promote and support private equity and venture capital and its development through, among other, elimination of administrative and legislative obstacles, and to increase awareness about the possibilities and importance of private equity and venture capital in the Czech Republic.

Prague, CZ

On the website, you can find information about current governmental and private programmes to support start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as information on providers of support who are able to assist with the launch and acceleration of business operations by means of mentoring, networking and provision of investments. The website also features a calendar of start-up events in which you can find interesting domestic and foreign happenings.

Prague, CZ

Being an independent, non-governmental, and not-for-profit organization enables us to focus on solving the current business and social problems the Czech-Taiwanese business community faces. Promoting Czech-Taiwanese trade and investment relationships as a driver for enduring economic growth and prosperity for both countries.

Prague, CZ

The CzechTrade Agency is a national pro-export organisation established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade with the aim of developing international trade and mutual cooperation between Czech and foreign entities.

Prague, CZ

They connect ambitious entrepreneurs with passionate investors and innovative corporations and help startups grow and investors protect their investment.

Prague, CZ

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is an organizational unit of the state that was founded in 2009 by the Act No. 130/2002 Coll on the support of research, experimental development and innovation. The creation of TA CR is one of the cornerstones of the fundamental reforms in research and development (R&D) in the Czech Republic. The key features of the reform is the redistribution of financial support from the national budget. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic simplifies the state support of applied research and experimental development which has been fragmented and implemented by many bodies before the reform.

Prague, CZ

The Prague Business and Innovation Centre (PIC), managed by the Prague Innovation Institute, is a place where business, science and innovation meet. Its mission is to support the innovation ecosystem of the Czech capital and to present innovative solutions in the fields of education, entrepreneurship and urban development. PIC aims to create a quality network of key stakeholders, provide expert advice to startups and SMEs and motivate the entire innovation ecosystem through its activities. PIC is behind a number of interesting events, for example, it organizes monthly Prague Innovation Mixxer meetings, workshops and various networking activities, including a large professional conference Innovation Vision of Prague 2030. It also participates in events as a co-organizer, such as DoToho! or Startup Night.

Prague, CZ

We are a partner to education, research, business and public institutions. Our main task is to facilitate connections between education, public space, and entrepreneurs in Prague. We are the only center in the Czech Republic focusing on advancement of education. We want to support project in education, energy sector, artificial intelligence, as well as creative industries in the capital. But we also aim at supporting innovations which will help improving the city´s infrastructure and environment.

Prague, CZ

Science and technology parks have been created and others are being prepared in the environment of scientific research institutes and universities, they are created on the initiative of manufacturing, commercial and other business entities, in border areas, on the initiative of private persons. They become part of regional development plans and structural funds under preparation.

Prague, CZ

A European Commission initiative that falls under the Digital Single Market priorities.


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