Coworking & Events Spaces

Coworking & Events Spaces

In this section, you can find a list of popular Coworking & Events spaces in Czech Republic.
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Brno, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

COWO Brno has been bringing shared offices for several years in the center of Brno on Moravské náměstí, where something is still happening and you are at it! Our clients are looking for a quiet working environment for professionals. The coworking tariff offers free drinks or a small administrative corner. From time to time we meet for inspirational discussions in the adjacent restaurants or use work breaks to sit in the park on the Moravian Square or visit the spa Rašínova around the corner.

Plzen, CZ

Meeting Room RentalEvents SpaceRestaurant

+420 702 019 508

DEPO2015 is a lively space where culture and business connect. It was created in 2015, when Pilsen was the European Capital of Culture. Since then, we have been combining innovative thinking, new and traditional technologies, creative spirit and love for culture.

Havlickuv Brod, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

+420 725 573 419

Využívejte naše pracovní útočiště místo vlastního kanclu nebo práce z gauče, pronajměte si zasedačku nebo doražte na inspirativní akci. To vše v centru Havlíčkova Brodu s přístupem 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu.

Prague, CZ

Coworking Space

Modern space in Smíchov with a number of hideaway corners, a large open space, a self-service bar and a patio. Beautiful villa in Vinohrady with a garden, an in-house chef and a meeting room with a fireplace.

Brno, CZ

Coworking SpaceAcceleratorCateringMeeting Room Rental

+420 777 201 518

Impact Hub can be found more than 100 times worldwide and 5 times in the Czech Republic. For work and meetings, but also for parties, you can use spaces in PragueBrnoOstrava and Zlín. We offer a range of acceleration programs for both beginner and advanced entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. We create an ecosystem of opportunities and environments for everyone who seeks positive change.

Ostrava, CZ

Coworking SpaceAcceleratorCateringMeeting Room Rental

+420 774 142 014

Impact Hub can be found more than 100 times worldwide and 5 times in the Czech Republic. For work and meetings, but also for parties, you can use spaces in PragueBrnoOstrava and Zlín. We offer a range of acceleration programs for both beginner and advanced entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. We create an ecosystem of opportunities and environments for everyone who seeks positive change.

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceAcceleratorCateringMeeting Room Rental

+420 734 746 923

Impact Hub can be found more than 100 times worldwide and 5 times in the Czech Republic. For work and meetings, but also for parties, you can use spaces in PragueBrnoOstrava and Zlín. We offer a range of acceleration programs for both beginner and advanced entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. We create an ecosystem of opportunities and environments for everyone who seeks positive change.

Brno, CZ

Coworking SpaceEvents Space

+420 605 822 228,

KoPlac, to je hlavně místo. Místo, kde se komunikuje, kooperuje, kopracuje, komyslí a kovynalézá. KoPlac, to je komunita lidí, kteří chtějí společně realizovat nové nápady. CHCEŠ SE PŘIDAT? HLEDÁME Lidi, co nám pomohou nastartovat KoPlac. Chceš být u toho? Jsme otevřeni jakékoliv spolupráci. Odměnou ti bude neocenitelná zkušenost a možnost navázání dlouhodobé spolupráce. Využij

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

+420 735 773 125

Locus Workspace is an English-language coworking space in Prague created to help freelancers, remote workers, digital nomads and other location-independent professionals do their best work. With members from more than 20 countries and English-language events to promote productivity, knowledge & expertise sharing, and a sense of community, you’ll WORK BETTER at Locus.

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

+420 778 520 505

We are coworking space you were searching for. No more annoying ring bells or cats jumping on your keyboard. You can use our open space for start or move right into one of our offices.

Prague, CZ

Coworking Space

+420 777 544 344

Opero is a cutting-edge shared space for work, networking, and social events. Its highly representative spaces in downtown Prague offer services tailored for leading entrepreneurs and managers seeking new inspiration, representatives of independent professions, companies, and project teams, as well as regional entrepreneurs seeking occasional office space in Prague.

Pardubice, CZ

Coworking SpaceAcceleratorConsultingMeeting Room Rental

P-PINK was established under the auspices of the Regional Development Agency of the Pardubice Region (RRA PK) in August 2017. We started our operations at the beginning of 2018, when we moved to premises in the historical heart of Pardubice. We are the successor of the now defunct business incubator GoUP! Startup Home.

Prague, CZ

Coworking Space

+420 605 116 183

Paper Hub is a co-working space where a community of freelancers, small teams or emerging startups can find a place to work. We make sure that they work on their diverse projects in an original and creative atmosphere. We welcome those with liberal views, innovative freelancers and startups that are interested in the themes of digital freedom, show initiative, and have creative ideas. We give you the chance to switch hierarchy and strict rules for total working freedom and the ability to make use of the space and other programs as you like.

Beskydy, CZ

Vacation Home Rental

+420 775 686 693

Pronajímáme náš dům se zahradou tvůrčím lidem, kteří potřebují soustředění a klid. Ať už píšete knihu, rozjíždíte startup, malujete obrazy nebo vyvíjíte novou aplikaci, tohle je vaše útočiště. A když si budete chtít odpočinout, zajdete si na procházku do hor, dolů do lázní, na jídlo do nedaleké hospůdky nebo pivovaru a všude jste pěšky do 10 minut. Dům má bezpečnostní dveře a nerozbitná okna, rychlý 30 Mbps internet, stoly pro práci vsedě i vestoje, spaní až pro 8 lidí a prakticky vše, co potřebujete, abyste mohli týdny či měsíce nerušeně tvořit.

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room RentalEvents Space

+420 601 389 500

Scott.Weber Workspace is a growing provider of stylish and inspiring coworking and serviced office spaces for a community of high-value entrepreneurs, start-ups, leading corporates and small businesses. Founded in 2009 the company operates 13 locations in Prague with a total space over 40 000 m2 for more than 5 000 work stations.

Prague, CZ

Events Space

+420 776 612 104

Kouzelné místo pod Pražským Hradem v srdci Malé Strany: barokní dvůr, gotický sklep a moderní sál s betonovými sloupy a střešním oknem. Sněmovní 7 jsme v roce 2018 založili pod hlavičkou společnosti Embassy of Sustainable Thinking s cílem oživit tyto prostory smysluplnými projekty. Do začátku roku 2022 jsme (spolu)organizovali více než 330 akcí – živě nebo online, převážně podnikatelské semináře, tiskové konference, přednášky, debaty, ale také výstavy, koncerty a literární večery.

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

+420 777 656 468

We strive to foster a coworking environment where people share their space while working on projects, alone or together. The advantage of working in such an environment provides an unconventional atmosphere suitable for independent work, as well as the diversity of society and professions. Their consequent opportunities arise from new encounters to organized events.

Olomouc, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room Rental

+420 778 745 880

Vy máte cíl. My máme start.Chcete to spojit? Telegraph Coworking [ˈkəʊˌwɜːkɪŋ] n.1. pronájem sdílené kanceláře pro firmy i freelancery 2. pro schůzku i pravidelné podnikání 3. nonstop přístup – meeting room, privátní boxy, kuchyňka, relax zóna 4. den zdarma na zkoušku

Olomouc, CZ

Coworking Space

+420 724 784 117

Vault 42 is a smart creative co-working space located in the heart of the historical city of Olomouc.

Prague, CZ

Coworking Space

+420 228 882 803

Bridging the city’s old and new towns, WeWork’s coworking space in 14 Národní offers the best of both worlds—highly functional design and down-to-earth community. The entire five-floor building is converted WeWork space, featuring airy lounges, unique conference rooms, and focus-fueling private offices. A brainstorming area is ideal for kicking off big projects; our onsite events space is ready to showcase your latest work.

Prague, CZ

Coworking SpaceMeeting Room RentalEvents Space

+420 770 152 602

WorkLounge is a family company that operates coworking centers in Prague. We provide furnished and service offices for small and medium teams, design coworking, or shared offices for individuals. You can also choose the meeting rooms or event space for your event or business meeting, or for recording your podcast. We don't want to just rent spaces but also build the WorkLounge community and connect members across branches through various work and informal events.